Cancel order

28. Cancellation of order or order request

An order placed on the website can be canceled by the customer in writing, by e-mail or SMS to the addresses in Useful telephones . The cancellation of the order is valid only if it is communicated no later than the next day at 12°°, the date of the SMS or e-mail and the product has not left us. After this date, the requirements of the chapter apply G. Return Policy . You cannot cancel an order that is in delivery to the recipient, that is, that you have not received.

Other valid reasons for canceling the order request or the order are:

  • the customer does not respond to SMS or phone or email at the time of sending the products and we do not have confirmation that the products can still be received;
  • the delivery terms requested by the customer are lower than minimum delivery times proposed by us, consequently they cannot be reached;
  • delivery data (phone, address, e-mail...) are incomplete, wrong or false;
  • customer located at a great distance from Fan Courier's coverage area (over 20Km) or the incidence of transport to the destination exceeds 10% of the value of the products in the order request. We may require advance payment for the product and/or upgraded shipping;
  • pending orders, not paid online, although the customer checked the online payment with the bank card but did not complete the payment, so we do not have the payment confirmation from Libra Bank;
  • missing/unavailable products in stock or products with zero prices / wrong price;
  • failure to comply with the requirements of the chapter RETURN POLICY leads to the cancellation of future orders/deliveries;
  • the consumer who does not pick up/pick up the ordered products and does not pay the return shipping, will be refused, in the future, for other deliveries.
  • violation or attempted violation of some requirements in this document that could generate unjustified additional costs for AltConcept srl.